Daniel P Thrasher has years of experience producing print materials, including newsletters, brochures, and direct mail pieces. Daniel takes a strategic approach to every content piece, making sure that the deliverable's format, messaging, and design are ideal for the target audience.
Procurement Brochure
Burst Biologics sought to partner with hospitals to provide biomaterial for the company's biotech products and research. Daniel's messaging with this brochure helped successfully secure the company's first procurement partner, Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Idaho.

Company Brochure
Because Burst exhibited at trade shows, the sales team required a brochure to orient doctors who were just learning about the company's clinical product. The sales team also wanted a brochure they could leave behind. Daniel produced this company overview brochure.

BioBurst Rejuv One-Page Slick
Burst's sales team needed a quick and inexpensive piece that encapsulated the benefits of BioBurst Rejuv, their clinical allograft product for clinical physicians. Daniel considered which messaging points were ideal for a product overview slick, wireframe and outline the piece, and wrote the copy.

At Burst Biologics, the marketing department produced more than a dozen print pieces for sales enablement, lead generation, and more.
In conjunction with graphic design, Daniel conceptualized, outlined, wireframed, and wrote the copy for all of the brochures below. Contact Daniel for additional samples.
Patient Brochure
Burst Biologics operates in the regenerative medicine space. This is a cutting-edge area of medicine dealing with stem cells, and not all patients understand it. To help doctors educate patients on how regenerative medicine works -- and be able to sell more BioBurst Rejuv -- we put together a detailed brochure for patients.

Binate Patch Research Brochure
One of the biggest unique selling propositions at Burst Biologics was the fact that we employ an in-house research team that does real, peer-reviewed research in the lab on how these products work. I organized, wrote, and edited the research brochure for the company's patch product, Burst Binate Patch.

Print Newsletters
At The Newsletter Pro, Daniel wrote newsletter content for over 35 clients on a monthly basis. Here are a few examples of issues that he wrote: one for a financial advisor and one for an immigration attorney.

Trade Show Booth
At Burst Biologics, the marketing department routinely produces pop-up banners and other display materials for trade show exhibitions.
Daniel helped create the copy for the displays below for the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) 2019 conference.